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Townmore: Consistently Raising Construction Standards 


2021 ISO Standards: IRE1286, IEN1004, IHS1002

Townmore: Consistently Raising Construction Standards 


Townmore are pleased to have retained our international accreditations in both ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environmental) as well as migrating our Health & Safety standard up to 45001. 


ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management

ISO 45001 is the first internationally-recognised, worldwide standard on Occupational Health and Safety. The intent behind this global approach is to enable organisations, regardless of industry or size, to provide a safe and healthy workplace for their workers, visitors, contractors and other interested parties to prevent death, work-related injury and illness. As emphasised by the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI), ISO developed the new standard as a framework for organisations to improve employee safety, reduce workplace risks and create better, safer working conditions, all over the world.

Similar to other comparable standards, this was developed by a committee of occupational health and safety experts, and it follows other generic management system approaches such as ISO 14001 and ISO 9001, both of which have been successfully achieved and retained by Townmore. This particular standard takes into account other International Standards in this area such as OHSAS 18001, the International Labour Organization’s ILO-OSH Guidelines, various national standards and the ILO’s international labour standards and conventions. 


How is the new international standard different?

ISO 45001 ensures Townmore’s health and safety management is aligned with the overall strategic direction of the wider Townmore Group. The key changes in the standard focus on the context of the particular organisation, understanding the needs and expectations of team members, leadership culture and commitment, and, critically, the revised standard concentrates largely on the participation and consultation of all staff and stakeholders. This participatory approach is very much in line with our Building Safely Together ethos. 

The team at Townmore are increasing the opportunity for our staff to contribute to the formulation of all policies and procedures, thereby ensuring collective thinking, team buy-in, achievable targets and ultimately successful results.

A huge note of thanks to all the team!